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These Seven Factors Affect Your Tyre Life: What To Do?

If you are reading our blog, you probably know that tyres are the single point of contact between your vehicle and the road. This is why their maintenance is important and should never be overlooked.

There are plenty of car owners nowadays who visit Google and search “tyres in Dubai, UAE” only after finding out that their tyres have worn out and their lifespan is nearing its end. If you are one of them, the best way is to educate yourself and know how to prevent all the common factors that affect your tyre life.

Below, we are listing the seven most important factors that affect your tyre life – and why you should always keep them in mind.

1. Tyre Pressure

First on our list is tyre pressure. If you read our guide to making sure you know the correct tyre pressure on your vehicle, you probably know how important this factor is. According to experts, tyre pressure is the single most important thing that ensures a good lifespan out of every tyre. If done as recommended, tyres with the right pressure ensure maximum safety, fuel economy, and tyre life.

2. Load

Heavy loading increases the wear and tear of your tyres. It can also be dangerous for your life and the life of your loved ones. In some occasions, overloading can result in tyre bursts or complete malfunction of a tyre.

Wheel Alignment

Note: On a side note, the road conditions are very important, too. If you are driving a loaded vehicle on a bumpy road, you should know that it is your tyres that are suffering the most.

3. Wheel Alignment

Incorrect wheel alignment is something that many cars have, yet very few car owners are aware of. It has the ability to result in a rapid and uneven wear, and decrease the lifespan of any tyre.

So, how do you make sure your wheels are properly aligned?

It’s simple – all you need to do is drive on a straight road and monitor your car’s direction. If it feels as if it is pulling towards the right or left, then the problem lies in your wheels and their alignment. Obviously, the goal is to align your wheels for perfect vehicle control. This will also result in uniform and even tyre wear and increased safety.

Wheel Balance

4. Wheel Balance

Just like a set of perfectly aligned wheels extends the tyre lifespan up to 30%, the position of your tyres can help you maximize their performance. Again, the best way to check this out is by driving on a straight and even road, where you shouldn’t feel any vibration coming through the steering wheel.

If you notice vibration in your steering, it can mean that some of your wheels are out of balance. This results in early wearing of the steering components and suspension, the rotating parts of your tyres and obviously, the actual tyres.

5. Tyre Rotation

If you are new to the entire concept of tyre rotation, you should check this guide and see how it affects your tyres and vehicle performance.

In a nutshell, rotation of tyres in any vehicle is recommended for an uniform tyre tread wear on all-wheel position in order to achieve an optimal lifespan.


6. High-Speeding

High speed driving increases temperature and wear. All of this puts additional pressure on your tyres and shortens their life. This is why car and tyre manufacturers recommend driving with normal spees in order to avoid any harmful effects to the tyres.

7. Environmental And Road Conditions

Last but not the least are the environmental and weather conditions which can also take a toll on your tyres’ lifespan.

Obviously, driving on smooth roads provides the best balance for a set of new tyres. In contrast, driving your vehicle across bumps, off-road paths and through cracks will deteriorate your tyres.

When a tyre is new, the tread pattern is of around 8 mm and has a great ability to disperse water. With its use, this pattern reduces which is why experts advise to replace the tyres before they are worn out.

Speaking of experts…

At TyresOnline, we pride ourselves on having a wide variety of tyres in UAE in different makes and models. We offer fitting at an affordable cost and have seasonal promotions and deals that will help you get the best discount on tyres in Dubai, Abu Dhabi or any other region within the United Arab Emirates.

For more information about our tyre service, contact us today via phone or email!

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